2025 Committees

Committees are the backbone of any Lodge. The chairmen and members of the committees are the machinery under the hood that allows the Master to execute his plan.

If a Twin Peaks member needs to reach out to one of these committees, they can find the contact information in Grandview under “Committeees” or contact the Lodge Secretary.

Standing Committees

Standing committees serve year-round, and are required to be filled by the Worshipful Master per the Grand Lodge and Lodge bylaws, or, they are declared “Standing” by the Master of the Lodge. These Committees are expected to give a report at each month’s business meeting, known as a “Stated Meeting” in the Fraternity.

Charity Committee

The Charity Committee receives, discusses and approves or rejects requests from the members of the Lodge for Masonic charity. A prime example is if a brother cannot pay his annual dues as a result of financial distress or poor health, he may request that the Lodge relieve him of his obligation to pay his annual dues.

  • Chairman: Lyle Glenn Miller, PM – Worshipful Master
  • Member: Frank Charles Baker, PGM
  • Member: Frank Glade Keller III, Sr. Warden

Grievance Committee

The Grievance Committee receives any reports of grievances or complaints from members of the Lodge. These reports are then discreetly considered by the Committee and a report is then presented to the Master of the Lodge. Depending on the findings of the committee, further proceedings may be required to achieve an amicable solution.

  • Chairman: Frank Glade Keller III – Sr. Warden
  • Frank Charles Baker, PGM


The Auditing Committee is responsible for reviewing any requests for reimbursements and/or bills presented to the Lodge that are not covered under the annual budget. Additionally, they may be called upon to report to the Lodge on the reconciliation of the Treasurer and Secretary financial books as part of the Annual Returns to Grand Lodge.

  • Chairman: Michael Edwad Hartman, Jr. Warden
  • Member: Jay Lynn Roundy, PM
  • Member: Glen H. Van Steeter, PM, Assistant Secretary

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees primary responsibility is to manage the Lodge’s long-term investments. Additionally, they may assist the Auditing Committee in approving the annual auditing of the Lodge’s operational financial accounts. Additionally, the Trustees have some oversight authority regarding the long-range planning of the Lodge. A single trustee is elected each year, who serves a three-year term. The previous 1-Year trustee “rolls off”, and the 2-Year and 3-Year trustees advance to 1-Year and 2-Year trustees respectively.

  • 1-Year Trustee (Chairman): Frank Glade Keller III
  • 2-Year Trustee: Michael Edward Hartman
  • 3-Year Trustee: Glen H. Van Steeter, PM, Assistant Secretary

Degrees and Ritual Committee

This committee is responsible for the performance of the ritualistic ceremonies of the Three Degrees of Masonry, as well as to track ritualistic proficiency of each member, especially the officers as they progress through the chairs. They organize “Degree Teams”, and arrange practices. Traditionally, the Senior Warden is the Chairman of this Committee.

  • Chairman: Frank Glade Keller III
  • Member: Glen H. Van Steeter, PM – Deputy Lodge Lecturer for Twin Peakss Lodge
  • Member: Christopher G. Van Steeter

Occasional Committees

Occasional Committees fall under two headings: 1) Committees that are not required per bylaws of either the Lodge or the Grand Lodge; 2) Committees that are organized for the purpose of managing an event or activity and are only required to give reports for a certain segment of the Masonic Year.

Calling Committee

This committee’s goal is to contact, by phone, with every member of the Lodge at least once every month. The purpose of these goals serves four purposes: 1) To inquire as to the health and welfare of the brother and his close family; 2) To notify the brethren of upcoming activities of the Lodge; 3) To communicate to the Master and the Secretary any reports of sickness or distress in order that the Lodge may take appropriate action, if required; and 4) To confirm contact information for the brother. Too many Lodges lose contact with their members simply because they do not make the effort to keep in communications with brethren who may have moved. This committee is required to report to the Lodge at every stated meeting. We are always looking for volunteers to assist with contacting our members. If you are interested, you should reach out to the Committee Chairman!

  • Chairman: Robert M. Hartman, PM
  • Member: Glen H. Van Steeter, PM – Assistant Secretary
  • Member: Frank Glade Keller III – Sr. Warden

Communications (Electronic) Committee

This committee posts announcements on social media and Grandview, sends emails, and helps to write the monthly newsletters (Trestleboards). Additionally, they notify the Master of upcoming Masonic Anniversaries, and the need for get-well or sympathy cards or other considerations to members.

  • Chairman: Robert M. Hartman, PM (Get-well cards, Masonic birthcards, Announcements of Masonic Birthdays during Lodge meetings, email postings.)
  • Jay Lynn Roundy, PM – Facebook postings, setting up Facebook events.
  • Ephraim Y. Sng, PM – Secretary – Trestleboard articles, Grandview postings, emails to the membership.
  • Glen H. Van Steeter, PM – Assistant Secretary – Trestleboard articles, Grandview postings, emails to the membership.

Esoteric Education Committee

This degree focuses on the presentation of the Symbols of Freemasonry and to discuss the historical originas, etymology, and accepted meanings that they teach to the Craft. More importantly, through our quarterly roundtables, we discuss how these teachings have been used, or can be used, to improve our moral and ethical behavior with regards to our roles as fathers, sons, brothers, husbands, fathers, coworkers, community members, and citizens.

  • Chairman: Glen H. Van Steeter, PM – Deputy Lodge Lecturer for Twin Peaks Lodge
  • Member: Robert M. Hartman, PM

Masons at Work Picnic Committee

Twin Peaks Lodge holds an annual summertime barbeque and fundraising auction, usually in June or July. This committee is responsible for the planning, delegation, organization and execution of this event. This is one of the highlights on the Twin Peaks calendar.

  • Chairman: Frank Glade Keller III
  • Member: Michael Edward Hartman

Website Response Committee

Our Lodge is very fortunate that we possess one of the best and most up-to-date websites in Freemasonry in Utah, which is www.midvalemasonry.com. You’re here, aren’t ya? One of the most important functions of this website is to facilitate the prospective candidate’s ability to reach out and contact us. The purpose of this committee is sheer simplicity – respond to each inquiry within 48 hours. We have about a 92% success rate in achieving this goal.

  • Chairman: Ephraim Y. Sng, PM – Secretary
  • Member: Robert M. Hartman, PM
  • Member: Glen H. Van Steeter, PM – Assistant Secretary