November 2022 Trestleboard

The Trestleboard is an official publication of Twin Peaks Lodge No. 32, which is a legally constituted Masonic Lodge operating under charter granted by the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Utah. The Trestleboard is published for the sole and exclusive use of the members of Twin Peaks Lodge No. 32, and any other use is expressly forbidden. The editor of The Trestleboard is Glen Van Steeter. Submissions of educational articles or other announcements may be sent to the editor at [email protected], and if selected for publication, will be given full attribution. All submissions are subject to the approval of the Worshipful Master of Twin Peaks Lodge No. 32 and the editor of the Trestleboard.
The Lodge Secretary endeavors to keep our roster as accurate as possible. If you are moving, changing your mailing address, phone number or email address, please update your information in GrandView or notify the Secretary so that your information can be kept current.
Twin Peaks Lodge Secretary
The Beginning of the End
The end of the year that is. The Lodge itself is turning a new leaf. We have had a wonderful year with activities, degrees, visitation, educational, and fellowship. Interest in our lodge by is at an all time high. These next few months are full of holidays, but we aren’t slowing down!
November Calendar

- Monday, November 7th: Stated Meeting at 7:30 pm. Dinner at 6:30p.m. Join us for our stated meeting and election of officers for the 2023 Masonic year. Please come and let your voice be heard.
This being “No Shave November”, we will also be having a special educational by Winston Petersen, PA-C about common health problems that affect men, and how to be aware, prevent, and treat them. This educational is open to all. We are having a No Shave Movember contest. Come with your majestic beards and win a prize. - Monday, November 14th: We will be performing a Masonic Funeral and Graveside Service for Brother Jon Harris beginning at 10am. Interment will be at 2pm in Ogden. Further details are still forthcoming.
- Sunday, November 20: Veteran’s & First Responders Breakfast. See details below.
- Monday, November 21: Fellowcraft Degree Practice
- Monday, November 28: No Lodge.

Sickness and Distress
- Brother Stephen Sumbot has been diagnosed with cancer, and will be getting it surgically treated soon.
- W. Bro. Glen Van Steeter is suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis. He has a surgery scheduled for December 22nd.
- Brother Spencer Forman is dealing with job cut-backs as well as his wife has been battling cancer for trwo years, hopefully with her tenth (and hopefully) final surgery this month.
- Brother Jeff Killpack’s cancer is trying to reassert itself. He is currently in the hospital but expects to be released soon.
Please keep these brethren and their families in your thoughts, and add them to your daily devotions to the Grand Architect.
If you happen to hear about a brother who is in distress, please contact either the Worshipful Master or the Lodge Secretary ASAP so that the Lodge can put itself in a position to assist.

Jon Wayne Harris
Born on February 12, 1938
Returned to his Heavenly Creator on November 4, 2022
An alarm at the gates of Heaven was meet by an exclamation from
within, “who comes here?” The guard without replies, “A man
under the tongue of good report, and well recommended.”
And the guard at the Gates of Heaven finished the report. And the
God of our Fathers said unto him who waited without, “Well done
thou good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.”
Brother Jon Wayne Harris was Initiated an Entered Apprentice on
January 16, 1980; Passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft on October
8, 1980; and Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on
March 11, 1981 in Acacia Lodge No. 17. He affiliated with Twin Peaks Lodge No. 32 on January 7, 2013.
Brother Jon was a very active member of El Kalah Shrine in Salt Lake
City, Utah. He joined the Ancient Arabic Order of the Noble Mystic
Shrine on May 26, 1983. He served El Kalah as Potentate in 2008.
He was instrumental in organizing the installation of the statue that stands at the entrance of the Shriner’s Hospital for Children. He served in the El Kalah Clown Unit, Cabiri International, and was instrumental in getting the fire truck to start the El Kalah Fire Brigade. He served as an emeritus member of the Board of Governors of Shriner’s Hospital, Salt Lake City.
He was also passionate about Masonic Youth and served as an
Associate Bethel Guardian for Bethel #5 of Salt Lake City, and the
Associate Grand Bethel Guardian for Job’s Daughters International.


We had a wonderful turnout at the Utah Food Bank on Saturday, October 15. We had twelve in our party including one interested potential candidate. We organized bean soup bags as their seasonal fundraiser. Thank you to the many volunteers who came out!

We had our biggest turnout to our meetup this year! We had sixteen altogether including two men interested in Freemasonry, two visiting brothers, and friends and family. Thank you for coming out and making this a success!
No meetup this month due to the Thanksgiving Holiday.


We had a wonderful night as brothers and our ladies to thank and honor the women in our lives who support us in what we do. One of the chief objectives in Masonry is to make a good man better. That would be greatly amiss if we didn’t become better husbands, spouses, and partners. We are truly blessed and recognize that we could not be successful masons without them! We thank them for their encouragement and support.

Welcome our Newest Entered Apprentice
A fine degree was put on by the members of Twin Peaks to initiate our newest candidate. Chris was a former DeMolay and the Lewis (son) of our Bro. Secretary. We are honored to have them in our lodge. Please join me in welcoming our newest Entered Apprentice. to Twin Peaks Lodge #32.

As we approach the end of the year, I can look back with satisfaction at what we accomplished. Overall, it has been a very successful year. We are not done yet. We hope to have another degree or two by the end of the year. Your efforts and support of our lodge are noticed and appreciated.
This being November, I have to recognize two important things. One is Men’s Health. One of my goals this year is to focus on the many aspects of “becoming a better man.” That includes many facets, and physical health is one of them. I think too often, we as men tend to neglect our health due to busyness, ignorance, or just plain stubbornness. I am pleased to invite Winston Petersen, PA-C to speak on some aspects of health issues that affect men and what we can do about it.
I care about each and every one of you. We sadly have said goodbye to three of our Lodge brothers this year, and it stings terribly. I lost my first Masonic brother who ignored his prostate cancer until it was far too late when it could have been prevented. Just last year, my own father was ignoring a heart attack because he didn’t want to go to the hospital. There are simple things that we can all do to live long and healthy lives. Let’s get over our embarrassment and stubbornness and take care of ourselves and our loved ones.

Lastly, this month we celebrate Thanksgiving. I have much to be grateful for. My journey and involvement with Freemasonry for the past 15 years of my life. The person it has helped me become. The experience it continues to provide me. I am humbled to be serving alongside each one of you. I am grateful to call you my friends and brothers.
On the Square,
Ephraim Sng, Worshipful Master

Happy Fall!
DELINQUENT DUES AND IMMINENT SUSPENSION LETTERS: It is one of the unhappiest duties of the Secretary of any Lodge to be “that guy” that has to act as the “tax collector” during the year to remind brethren of their need to pay their annual dues. If you have a 2022 Twin Peaks dues card in your wallet, please skip this part! If you do not, then please read on. I truly hate having to keep beating on this particular drum, but I must, because as of this writing, we still have 10 brethren who have not paid their 2022 annual dues. In the September Trestleboard, I wrote about this issue. You can follow this link and scroll down to the Secretary’s article if you want to read it. I encourage you to do so, if you haven’t paid your 2022 dues yet. Eight-week Imminent Suspension Letters will be mailed this week to those brethren in arrears who do not live in Utah. Four-week Imminent Suspension Letters will be mailed in the last week of the month for those who reside in Utah. If you receive this letter, please do not ignore it! Contact me immediately. If you can pay your dues, GREAT! Let’s get that worked out! You can always pay your dues online or by check. If you cannot pay your dues, then let’s discuss the reason why. As of this writing, we have attempted to call each brother in arrears at least twice, most recently on October 2nd. Of those, only two answered their phones. Two had voicemail boxes that were full and no message could be left. The rest had voicemails left requesting a call back. So far, as of October 4th, there has been no response to those voicemails. Mid-year notices were sent in August. Inaction on the part of brethren in arrears will result in being suspended for non-payment of dues at the December stated meeting. Suspension means you cannot visit Twin Peaks meetings, or any other Lodge if Twin Peaks is the only Lodge you hold membership in. It also means that your membership in any other Masonic Body, such as Shrine, Scottish Rite, York Rite, and the like, will also be suspended.
UPCOMING DEGREES: We have at least an Entered Apprentice and Fellow Craft Degree coming up in the next 45-60 days. Our Senior Warden, W. Bro. Bob Hartman, will be reaching out to some of you for Degree parts. Please see the “Events” section above for dates/times/places for practices and degrees. Bone up on your ritual! We did a fantastic job with Bro. Sumbot’s 1st Degree on July 18th, but that’s a long time ago and we need to stay sharp!
2023 DUES NOTICES will be mailed around October 15th. Instructions on how to pay your dues can be found on this website. We accept checks, online payments through PayPal either through Grandview, through your PayPal account and even if you do not have a PayPal account. Please be aware that electronic payments will be assessed an approximately 3 1/2% processing fee in addition to your dues. You do NOT have to wait until your dues notice arrives in order to pay your 2023 dues.
LASTLY, I would be remiss in not mentioning how happy I am that the Lodge acted favorably on my son’s petition to receive the Three Degrees of Masonry in Twin Peaks Lodge! He will be initiated on Monday, October 17th. I would take it as a personal favor if as many local members of the Lodge could attend this Degree, not for myself, but to celebrate the fact that a new, YOUNG Mason is being made!
Fraternally and cordially,
Glen Van Steeter, PM – Secretary

Masonic Anniversaries
These brethren were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in the month of November.
- Brother Gavin Wardrope PM, raised on November 02, 1992 and has 30 years of service.
- Brother Devin Foutz, raised on November 11, 2007 and has 15 years of service.
- Brother Jay Roundy PM, raised on November 23, 1993 and has 29 years of service.
- Brother David Birch, raised on November 20, 2000 and has 22 years of service
- Brother Jason Dyckman, raised on November 23, 2015 and has 7 years of service.
Happy Birthdays!

These brethren were born in November. Make sure and wish them a “Happy Birthday!” when you see them this month!
- Brother Spencer Forman, Born November 10
- Brother Robert Rollins born on November 14
- Worshipful Brother Ed Kordas born on November 26

Veteran’s / First Responders Breakfast

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20th from 9 AM to Noon
After a two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are again hosting our annual Veteran’s Day Breakfast. You can find out more information about the breakfast by going to this page, where you can also RSVP. We ask that if you are planning coming, that you do RSVP. RSVPs will be given priority seating. Active and former US armed forces personnel, law enforcement and first responders will eat free. We are advertising this event in the Midvale Police Precinct and the Midvale Fire Department station, as well as the Riverton VFW, so we can use able hands to help setup, cook, take orders and cleanup. If you are willing to help with any of that, please contact Glen Van Steeter by email or phone.

MASONIC ELECTIONS – What does the Utah Grand Lodge Code say about the Matter?
AS YOU ARE ALL AWARE, or should be aware, elections for the officers of the next Masonic Year will be held at our Stated Meeting on November 7th. The Utah Grand Lodge Code has a significant say as to WHO can stand for election and WHO can vote, WHAT positions must be elected and filled. WHEN elections are held, HOW elections are to be conducted, and the QUALIFICATIONS that certain positions demand. I could simply copy and paste the relevant sections of the code into this article and be done with it, but I will try and streamline it a bit. All references to sections of the Grand Lodge Code will be found in Title III (Regulations Relative to Lodges), Chapter IV (Offices) unless otherwise specified.
SECTION 3-4-1: Qualifications
A brother standing for elected office must be a member in good standing of that Lodge. Candidates for election to Worshipful Master and must have been previously elected and installed as a Warden of any legally chartered Lodge. No brother can stand for election to more than one elected office in a given Lodge, with the exception of Trustee, who can also have been elected to one of the other five elected offices.
Must be held at the 1st stated meeting in November. Shall be conducted by written (secret) ballot. Elections for one-year terms must be held for Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer and Secretary. A Trustee is also elected for a three year term, and replaces the current one-year Trustee, who rolls off. A simple majority elects. Only members in good standing of the Lodge may vote. Members in good standing must be present to vote. Voting by proxy is not permitted. All Master Masons in good standing who are present for elections MUST vote. Blank ballots shall not be counted, which can affect majority. Nomination of officers is prohibited.
Electioneering is prohibited. Examples cited include:
- Distribution, in any form, through any media, of written or printed material that promotes a candidate, or disparages an opponent’s qualfications.
- Oral statements made during tyled Lodge that promotes a candidate or disparages one.
- Unsolicited criticism of a prospective officer, or any other action that disparages him, or unduly influences a ballot.
A Senior Warden, considered to be “next-in-line” for Master, may in writing or orally communicate routine planning activities in anticipation of “his year” as Master. Other forms of communications that do not constitute electioneering include good faith inquiries regarding the duties of an elected or appointed office, the eligibility of a Master Mason to hold an office under Utah Constitution and By-laws, expressions made outside of tyled Lodge regarding willingness to serve if elected or asked, or respectful private discussions held outside of a tyled lodge regarding the selection of elective officers (long range planning).
Penalties for electioneering are governed under Section 3-4-3.2. Candidates found electioneering will be declared ineligible. If a current officer is found to be electioneering, he may forfeit his current office.
Section 3-4-4: Failure to Elect
In the event that elections cannot be held as per Section 3-4-2, or an elected office fails to be filled by secret ballot, an election may be held on another date upon dispensation from the Grand Master.
Section 3-4-5: Appointment
The Worshipful Master-elect must provide the names of members in good standing for appointed office after the election but prior to the installation. (Note: It is good form for the Master-elect to name his appointed officer selections immediately after election. It is also good form for the Master-elect to not announced a member for appointed office who has not previously agreed to serve!)
Section 3-4-6: Installation
All officers (elected and appointed) must be installed in either a public or tyled meeting. The Master-elect has discretion as to whether the installation is public or tyled. The installation must be held in December, after the regular “annual” meeting but before or on St. John’s Day. All officers hold their offices until their successors are installed. An officer cannot be installed by proxy. An elected or appointed officer cannot serve unless installed. The installing officers must be in good standing and installed as a Master of a chartered Lodge in Utah or a recognized foreign Grand Lodge.
Section 3-4-7: Special Requirements for Installation of a Master (-elect)
The Master-elect must possess a certificate of qualification from the Grand Lecturer that stipulates that the Master-elect is familiar with Title III of the Grand Lodge By-laws, The Utah Trial Code, and is proficient in the Utah Standard Work. However, this same section also defines those portions of the Utah Standard Work that the Master-elect does NOT have to have memorized. I will not list them here. “Proficiency” is defined as having a working knowledge of those portions of the Utah Standard Work not committed to memory. However, a Master-elect must have committed to memory at least one of the Degree lectures as well as the Master’s portions for Opening, Closing a Lodge as well as Obligating a candidate in all three degrees. He should also have memorized the “Vouchsafe thine aid…” prayer in the First Degree, the “G” Lecture in the Second Degree, and the admonishment to the candidate (“…the eyes of the Fraternity are now upon you…”) in the Third Degree.
In the unusual circumstance where a Master-elect cannot obtain a certificate of proficiency from the Grand Lecturer prior to installation, usually because of some deficiency in showing proficiency in the Utah Standard Work, a request for dispensation may be made of the Grand Master, applied via petition authorized by the Lodge and signed by the Master and Wardens. If you want to know more about this, I recommend that you obtain a copy of the Utah Constitution and By-Laws from Grandview or your Lodge Secretary.