Contact Us
Stated Meetings are 1st Monday of each month at 7:30 pm. As we have recently moved to a new location with no dining facility, some members of the Lodge may meet at a local restaurant prior to the meeting. Please contact the Secretary if you are interested in participating in a pre-meeting meal.
Visitors are welcome join us for our meals. All masons are welcome to our stated and called meetings. Please contact the Secretary if you plan on visiting.
See our Calendar for additional events.
Thinking of Joining? Click here
Twin Peaks Masonic Lodge #327390 Creek Road, Sandy, Utah, 84093
Email Us
Ephraim Y. Sng, PM – Lodge Secretary
Write Us
Twin Peaks Lodge No. 32
PO Box 8132
Midvale, UT 84047-8132
Additional Information
We have received several inquiries recently about interested persons, usually Masons, asking to “rent” or “use” our temple or Lodge room. Canyon Lodge No. 13 is the owner of the Lodge room that we use for stated meetings and practices, and we recommend that you try to contact them through their website.